Romancing the Renaissance:
the Feminization of Early Modern Culture in Twentieth Century Mass Media
English 339
Description | Schedule
| Syllabus | Class
Handouts | Internet
Required Texts: Natalie Davis, The Return of Martin Guerre; Patricia Finney, Firedrake's Eye; Margaret George, Mary, Queen of Scotland and the Isles; Katherine Harrison, Poison; Brenda Joyce, The Game; Baroness Orczy; The Scarlet Pimpernel; Margaret Ronesthal, The Honest Courtesan; Julia Walker, ed. Dissing Elizabeth.
Requirements: Regular attendance, prompt arrival (please do not come late!), and active participation in class discussions are required. This course will be intellectually demanding. It involves a lot of work. All assigned work outside of class must be completed to pass the course (if you miss an assignment , in other words, you fail the course). If you miss a class, you must still turn in the assignment on time, if one is due. And if you miss more than two unexcused classes, you fail the course. If you miss a class, please contact a fellow student to get the assignment for the next class, if there is an assignment.
Papers: There will be approximately ten short (one page) essay assignments and in-class quizzes during the semester. Essays are due at the beginning of class. (Otherwise, they will be considered late.) Please leave them on the desk when you come in, before class begins. The first paper is due on Friday, March 30; and the final paper is due on Friday, May 17. Again, unexcused late work will not be accepted. All work must be typed, except for work given in class.
Paper Format: I am asking you to write an argumentative essay (not narration or description). Your essay should have a thesis--a central argument capable of being stated in a single sentence.
--Please underline your thesis sentence.
--Your essay should have a title.
--Proofread carefully.
--Please staple your papers (do nto put them in plastic folders).
--Use the present tense when discussing a lieary work or film.
--Type and double space your papers.
--Use a 12 point font.
--Number your pages.
--Please use a fresh ribbon or cartridge so that the type is dark enough to be read easily.
Description | Schedule
| Syllabus | Class
Handouts | Internet
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University of
Massachusetts, Amherst.
last updated - 1/12/99