ENG 4133 Section 1G33
Silent Film Philology:
Audioclash, or
How to Destroy a Film Soundtrack
Spring 2013
Film Clip Analysis Assignment (To Be Modified for Sound) This course meets Tuesdays, periods 5-6 (11:45-11:1:35 am) and |
![]() Richard Burt is "an innovative and successful teacher who challenges Please email me only to send me class assignments. Otherwise, please talk to me in person after (not before) class or during office hours. Office: 4314 Turlington Hall Office Phone 352 392-6650 ext. 250 Office Hours: Period 4, Tuesdays; Periods 2, 4-5 on Thursdays; and by appointment The current version of this website is the binding one, if you are taking this course.
Really Bad Film Criticism (Example) Better to Burt Out than Fade Away Screenings:
Diegetic silent sound, or "deaf" (and mute) cinema
Farhenheit 451 paratext
Martin Scorcese on pan and scan versus letterboxing
Warner Brothers high def website; Toshiba's "dead" website The Look and Sound of Perfect HD-DVD website (YouTube trailer)
Carlo Ginzburg, "Clues"
Walter Benjamin, "The Work of Art in the Age of its Reproducibility"
Jacques Derrida in Ghost Dance
Avital Ronell on the examined life
Sigmund Freud, "Dreams and Telepathy"
Sigmund Freud, "Psycho-analysis and Telepathy"
Sigmund Freud, "Mourning and Melancholia"
Sigmund Freud, Beyond the Pleasure Principle standard edition
Friedrich Schlegel, "On Incomprehensibility"
Blogs / News outlets I happen to like: Gawker and RT