Email all work for the course to me at [email protected]
Fall 2021
LIT 4930 Section 042G
Class # 15880
T 4 / R 4-5
MAT 0113 Do not go to the classroom. For now, we will be meeting remotely on
Narratology and the Complete(d) Incomplete(d) Novel
Email all work for the course to me at [email protected]
“Many people will disagree with what I have to say now, but I shall confine myself to those who have been, shall I say, unhappy enough to love passionately for many years, unrequitedly and against hopeless odds.”
----Gérard Genette, "Proust Palimpsest," Figures of Literary Discourse, p. 164
"Proust's work is a complete-incomplete work."
--Maurice Blanchot, "The Experience of Proust," in The Book to Come, p. 24.
Thus, not only is the Recherche, as Blanchot says, a "completed-incompleted" work, but its very reading is completed in completion, forever in suspense, forever "to be taken up again," since the object of that reading is constantly thrown into a dizzy rotation."
--Gérard Genette, "Proust Palimpsest," Figures of Literary Discourse, p. 222
Proust on the incompleteness of the work of art
“A work is never completed except by some accident such as weariness, […] the need to deliver, or death.”
--Paul Valéry
Due the Day Before Each Class:
Johannes Vermeer, "A View of the Delft" "petit pan de mur jaune," "little patch of yellow on the wall" Please email me only to send me class assignments or when you are co-leading class. Otherwise, please talk to me in person after (not before) class or during office hours. Office: 4314 Turlington Hall Office Hours: Tuesday period 5-6; R period 6, and by appointment
"if recent events are causing you to experience stress or anxiety, help is available for students at 352-294-CARE (2273) or [email protected] and for faculty and staff at 833-306-0103 or"
Linda Stump-Kurnick Chief, UF Police Department Assistant Vice President of Public and Environmental Safety
Email all work for the course to me at [email protected]
Our cat trying to break the fourth wall:
Covid Delta Variant Concerns and Reasons to Meet on Zoom: 1. Risks of getting it or transmitting it. 2. Meeting F2F means I would wear an N95 mask, so wouldn't be able to see my facial expressions, and I would not have a microphone in class, so you would have difficulty hearing me. 3. You can text message each other and me as well during class. 4. We live in Florida.
One in five hospital ICUs in the U.S. now has at least 95% of beds occupied, as the Delta variant fuels a surge of coronavirus cases. “Every single patient regrets not getting the vaccine,” he said. “I don’t have one that doesn’t. They look really sick, and they look really young. You can see somebody now talking to you, and the next time you see them, they’re dead.” NY Times August 17, 2021
Child Covid-19 hospitalizations soar, filling pediatric wings, Aug. 20, 2021
William Wimsatt, "The Intentional Fallacy"
Lightnin' Hopkins - It's A Sin To Be Rich, It's A Low-Down Shame To Be Poor"One should never bear grudges against people, never judge them by the memory of one unkind act, for we can never know all the good resolves and effective actions of which their souls may have been capable at another time. And so, even from the simple point of view of foresight, we make mistakes. For no doubt the bad pattern we observed on that one occasion will recur. But the soul is richer than that, has many other patterns which will also recur in the same man, yet we refuse to take pleasure in them because of one piece of bad behavior in the past."
The Prisoner, trans. Carol Cook, p. 311
London Grammar - Rooting For You
Still Corners - Black Lagoon
Lana Del Rey - Summertime Sadness
Learn French Pronunciation in 12 Minutes
Learn French Pronunciation in LESS than 12 Minutes
The best way to learn how to pronounce French is probably to listen to vocabulary words on a screen one at a time, repeat the words aloud, and then listen to them in sentences and repeat the sentence. You can go back and replay the word several times to practice pronouncing it. Even if you can't pronounce it, you'll know how it sounds.
Die Wand / The Wall (2015)
Proust and Genette: Both Are Brilliant and Humorous
To learn how to understand a music, a philosopher once said, you have to hear it twice.
A modern conductor of baroque music said you have to listen a piece of music several times in a row to understand it.
Repetition is key to learning.
"the greatest pieces of music are called classics simply because at a first hearing--that is terribly that is very complicated to work out what's going on or even more complicated to explain to yourself why it's going on--even to hear it has to be heard several times probably after first hearing immediately go back and hear it again, and on repeated hearings repreated things come to light."
Vienna and Schubert: 'Death and the Maiden' String Quartet - Professor Chris Hogwood CBE
"How full of meaning and significance the language of music is we see from the repetition of signs, as well as from the Da capo which would be intolerable in the case of works composed in the language of words. In music, however, they are very appropriate and beneficial; for to comprehend it fully, we must hear it twice."
--Arthur Schopenhauer, "On the Metaphysics of Music"
All the Way Home (1957) | When A Black Family Moves Next Door
Emily Bazelon, "The First Amendment in the Age of Disinformation," Oct. 13, 2020
“Too much clarity darkens.” ― Blaise Pascal, Pensées.
Spot the grammar error in the description below:
Lucien Goldmann, The Hidden God
V. F. Perkins quoted by Nick Pinkerton in Goodbye, Dragon Inn (2021)
"EDITED REALITY": Joe Biden Video Censored by Facebook Fact Checker
Debating Glenn Loury on Black Progress & Socialism
The left is at its most intelligent and most ethical when it believes—and vigorously promotes the belief—that everyone has the right to be heard."
Is Traditional Liberalism Vanishing?
"Mighty Ira," a documentary about legendary former ACLU chief Ira Glasser
A favorite talking point of establishment, so-called progressives who support de-platforming and social media censorship by Silicon Valley tech giants is "free speech doesn't mean speech free from consequences." That is a typically vague, but also threatening neoliberal content free statement. What consequences follow from exercising your First Amendment right to free speech other than more speech? Doxxing? Getting fired from your job? If you are against free speech, that is your right. But the consequence is that I will think you are really dumb. And ignorant. And morally under-developed. And figure that you are probably white. Ditto if you are against due process. The First Amendment protects minorities and those with minority opinions from being de-platformed and censored. "Hate speech," otherwise known as "speech I don't like," is constitutionally protected speech. Guess what happens to Palestinian student activists if they organize a boycott of Israel. The Fifth Amendment guarantees due process, meaning someone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Guess how many black men have been falsely accused and convicted of raping a white woman only to be exonerated decades later because DNA evidence proved their innocence. Have you ever seen To Kill a Mockingbird? Guess how many people convicted of murder and then executed were posthumously exonerated. Guess how many black people have been lynched. Google it. Educate yourself. Know your civil liberties. Don't be dumb, be a smartie. Universal Rights protect racial and sexual minorities. "Representation," perhaps the most cynical notion of politics ever to emerge from the elites in the history of the United States, does not. The National Security State wants you identitification papers. Authoritarianism, censorship, Big Tech demonitization and deplatforming of social media, policing who can say what where, the pre-school politics of twitter are antithetical to the thought and imaginative freedom which creating literature involves.
Summing up Swann's Way
Madeline in tea (involuntary memory)
Uncle Antoine and the Lady in Pink
pink hawthornes
church steeples from carriage of Porcipied
Duchess de Guermantes inside the church
Mlle Vinteuil and unnamed woman spitting on M. Vinteuil's photograph and then having sex in Montjouvain.
The girl by a tree in the distance the narrator will never see again
The phrase from the Vinteuil sonata
Cambremer joke
Involuntary memories in Finding Time Again:
Feeling of a cobble stone street
Sound of a knife on a plate
a dry napkin
Proust's synopsis; Terence Kilmartin's synopsis; Patrick Alexander's Synopsis; The Essential Remembrance of Things Past (abridged audio-recording with musical selections)
We will proceed by reading selections from each novel after Swann's Way in chronological, the selections having some relation to the previous novels. So as we read, we will be recalling and calling up passages we may remember or have forgotten. You can fill in what happens in the parts we are skipping by using Proust's own synopses or Kilmartin's or Alexander's Synopses.
Our reading of the Search will be interrupted from time to time by readings from Genette and other important readings related to the novel and narrative.
In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower (Within a Buddding Grove)--skipping "Around Odette's House" and going directly to "Place-Names: The Places"
Place Names: the Place
Train to Balbec / the milkmaid
Mme de Villeparisis--seeing the girls from the carriage
Françoise killing the "filthy" chicken; her jealousy of Eulalie (anticiaptes her jealousy of Albertine in The Prisoner)
Death of Aunt Leonie;
La Berma and Norpois
The "Marquise" on the Champs Elysee
Legrandin, the writer and engineer (Genette, "Proust Palimpsest")
Saint-Loup, socialist aristocrat, in Donçiere, the discussion of military strategy
Elstir, Impressionist painter
Albertine at Elstier's studio
Rachel at the theater, off stage and on stage; pear blossom orchard
The page boy and the "Lift"
La Berma
Rachel at the theater and in the theater on stage; Sant-Loup's violent jeaulosy; the pear tree blossoms
The grandmother's stroke on hte Camps Elysee
Grandmother's death
The Lady in Pink is revealed to be Odette
The narrator getting stuck in the revolving door of a restaurant, dines with Saint-Loup
Swann dying and Madame de Guermante's red shoes.
Sodom and Gomorrah / Cities of the Plain
Charlus and Jupien; flowers and insects
Intermittencies of the Heart (or "Interruptions of the Heart")--involuntary memory
The joke about the name Cambremer sounding like "camembert" finally spelled out.
The "Lift"
The narrator's realization that he will never find the girl he desired.
The grandmother's birthday present to the narrator of both French translations of the 1,001 Nights.
The woman who spit on M. Vinteuil's photograph turns out to be Albertine.
The beginning of Chapter Three-sleep and the immortality of the soul
The train ride
The ending--Mlle Vinteuil and Albertine; the mother resembling the grandmother; the image of the narrator's love never coincides with any of his mistresses.
The narator gives himself a name, Marcel.
The sound and music of the working class the narrator hearsin the mornings
Jealousy--infinite non-knowing. Working Class Girls. Albertine's presence prevents him from ever knowing / seducing them.
Swann's Death
Chapter 3 — Venice
Victor Hugo, "Tristesse d"Olympio," in Les rayons et les ombres
REQUIRED READING: Reading Proust from Memory
Jozef Czapski, Lost Time: Lectures on Proust in a Soviet Prison Camp(New York Review Books Classics, 2018)
Remembering Reading and Rereading
Digressions on memory and time in the Search
We will follow a few of Roger Shattuck's recomendations:
The author and the work of art Vinteuil Septet and Bergotte's Death in The Prisoner; Le Figaro in The Fugitive
Swann in Love (200 pages) Genette Proust and Metonymy; Proust and Indirect Style
Combray (145 pages) Paul de Man Reading (Proust)
Place-Names: the Name (45 pages)
Pages 113-123 of Swann's Way
"Indespensable to a stockbroker," in Marcel Proust, Swann's Way, (Davis, p. 102)
Read up through the words "lasting form assumed by cruelty," in Marcel Proust, Swann's Way, (Davis, 169)
Read up through the words "landscape we are about to leave forever," in Marcel Proust, Swann's Way, (Davis, p. 242)
"Swann was never mentioned again," in Marcel Proust, Swann's Way, (Davis, p. 300)
Marcel Proust, Swann in Love, from Swann's Way
Read up through the words "since the table turning," in Marcel Proust, Swann's Way, (Davis, p. 366)
Read up through the words "was not my type," in Marcel Proust, Swann's Way, (Davis, p. 396)
Read until the end of the novel: "They were only a thin slice among contiguous impressions which formed our life at the time; the memory of a certain image is but regret for a certain moment; and houses, roads, and avenues are as fleeting, alas, as the years." (Davis, p. 444)
C'est fini!
Marcel Proust | A la recherche du temps perdu | Texte intégral
"if recent events are causing you to experience stress or anxiety, help is available for students at 352-294-CARE (2273) or [email protected]and for faculty and staff at 833-306-0103 or"
Linda Stump-Kurnick
Chief, UF Police Department
Assistant Vice President of Public and Environmental Safety
Paper formatting for image captures: put time stamps for the images at the end of your sentences as needed. Begin your sentence describing the shot when you use an image capture. Number the images with captions and refer to them by the same numbers in the body of your paper when you refer to them. Put the image number at the end of your sentence after the timestamp, if you give a timestamp.
A favorite talking point of establishment, so-called progressives who support de-platforming and social media censorship by Silicon Valley tech giants is "free speech doesn't mean speech free from consequences." That is a typically vague, but also threatening neoliberal content free statement. What consequences follow from exercising your First Amendment right to free speech other than more speech? Doxxing? Getting fired from your job? If you are against free speech, that is your right. But the consequence is that I will think you are really dumb. And ignorant. And morally under-developed. And figure that you are probably white. Ditto if you are against due process. The First Amendment protects minorities and those with minority opinions from being de-platformed and censored. "Hate speech," otherwise known as "speech I don't like," is constitutionally protected speech. Guess what happens to Palestinian student activists if they organize a boycott of Israel. The Fifth Amendment guarantees due process, meaning someone is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Guess how many black men have been falsely accused and convicted of raping a white woman only to be exonerated decades later because DNA evidence proved their innocence. Have you ever seen To Kill a Mockingbird? Guess how many people convicted of murder and then executed were posthumously exonerated. Guess how many black people have been lynched. Google it. Educate yourself. Know your civil liberties. Don't be dumb, be a smartie. Universals protect minorities. Identities do not. Authoritarianism is antithetical to the thought and imaginative freedom on which literature depends.
Gould Gould: Mozart in one minute
--V. F. Perkins
'All-American Nativism' with Dan Denvir, Part I
Tulsi Gabbard Introduces Bill To Completely Repeal The Patriot Act.“A good reader, a major reader, an active and creative reader is a rereader.”
--Vladimir Nabokov
Cultural Stagnation
Kenneth Goldsmith, It’s Not Plagiarism. In the Digital Age, It’s ‘Repurposing.’SEPTEMBER 11, 2011
Mark Fisher : The Slow Cancellation Of The Future (2014)
2014 CineNOma?
Small adjustments to the same versus something different, new, or renewed
Can you hear it? An ear for music history and the end of medium specificity
Sampling 80s synth pop this century
Modern Fears (Pilotpriest Come True Version) (Original Motion Picture Sound) 2021
sounds like
the CHROMATICS PLAYING "SATURDAY" at the end of an episode of David Lynch's Twin Peaks, the Return (2018).
See also the
CHROMATICS' "SHADOW" (Official Video)
80s synth pop
Angelo Badalamenti and David Lynch and "Laura's Theme" in "Twin Peaks"
Pet Shop Boys
Orchestral Maneuvers in the Dark
Drive (dir. Nicolas Winding Refn, 2011) —with 80s Miami Vice pink opening titles
Chromatics - Tick of the Clock
1980s --"postmodernism" stockpiling of images; last decade of high fashion. "Pastiche" versus "parody" Frederic Jameson
haute couture
recycling Art Decco by Madonna (Vogue, Horst P. Horst / Horst corset
Metropolis (1927) - (1984) Giorgio Moroder
30's fasions Bryan Ferry (Slave to Love).
Periodization of fashion history
Roxy Music - Avalon (Official Video)
The Gong Show (1978)
Survival Kit For the Anguished: A series of podcasts by Avital Ronell
--Martin Heidegger, "The Thing"
"Happiness has no story."
--Jules Barbey d'Aurevilly
Why Should You Be for Free Speech?
Mighty Ira: Ira Glasser, Free Speech and the ACLU Tmestamp31:00 on
Mighty Ira Documentary Trailer
Essential Viewing: Russell Brand On Trump and Free Speech
If you’re mildly conservative on Twitter, you’re Hitler | Ricky Gervais
Wall Street is diversity-inclusion-belonging
"Music is the space between the notes."
--Claude Debussy or Miles Davis
Guy J. Williams, "Harkness Learning: Principles of a Radical American Pedagogy"
The Second Civil War (dir. Joe Dante, 1997)
Conventions and Creativity
Mindhunter Season 1 (dir. David Fincher, 2017)
Shot Reverse Shot
Long take framed by standard shot reverse shot intro and exits:
Amazon Prime Patriot 1, Season 8 Episode
Synthesis and Sound Design
Mindhunter (2017; 2019)
Terrence Malick’s “Introduction” and “Critical Notes” for his translation of Heidegger’s The Essence Of Reasons
A Conversation with Werner Herzog - Doc/Fest 2019
The Never-ending Story of Men and Women Laura Kipnis 2016
EXPOSED! Mainstream Media Caught Using Fake Sources
They Live (1988) - Seeing the Truth Scene
Shockproof (dir. Douglas Sirk,1949) Opening Sequence The Reveal
The Bellows in Conversation with Adolph Reed and Walter Benn Michaels
The Truth About the Confederacy in the United States (the 1619 part is wrong. The United States was founded in 1776.)
Koyaanisqatsi part 1/9You already know how: Mr Robot ending S4E10: 410
Happy ending or sad ending: Dom and Darlene are going to go to
Budapest, then Dom changes her mind, then Darlene does not use her
ticket and does not board the plane. Cross cutting as Dom runs back to the boarding gate. Music Carly Rae Jepsen "Run Away
with Me" on E.Mo.Tion album Darlene is in the
bathroom having a panic attack. So you think it's going to be a happy
ending. But last shot reveals the empty seat next to Dom. Music
still playing.
So students. You already know how to read by genre. Happy ending--or
shock from happy ending withheld. Only upbeat is Darlene calming down
and saying to herself in the mirror "I can take care of myself."
Climate Change: what do you want me to say?
Adam Ruins Everything - Why Billionaire Philanthropy is Not So Selfless | truTV
Sandy Hook Promise 'Back-to-School' PSA
Sandy Hook Promise: Gun violence warning signs
Wagner au cinéma - Blow Up - ARTE
Mozart au cinéma - Blow Up - ARTE
Beethoven au cinéma - Blow Up - ARTE
Bach au cinéma - Blow Up - ARTE
Schubert au cinéma - Blow Up - ARTE
Tchaïkovsky au cinéma - Blow Up - ARTE
It's so hard to be a billionaire.
Michael Kiwanuka - Cold Little Heart
Big Little Lies: Season 1 Opening Credits | HBO
Twitter Thread on U.S. Slavery
"First of all, they're all psychopaths."
Mindhunter Season 1, Episode 3 (2017)
Long take framed by standard shot reverse shot intro and exits:
Amazon Prime Patriot 1, Season 8 Episode
Please don't be hard on your grad student teachers:
Why adjunct professors are struggling to make ends meet
Btw, don't even think of going to graduate school to get a Ph.D in English--or any other kind of--literature.
Stephen Marche, a survivor of academia, returns to a troubled field
Dan Cohen, "The Books of College Libraries Are Turning Into Wallpaper: University libraries around the world are seeing precipitous declines in the use of the books on their shelves" The Atlantic May 2019
Rudy Giuliani Loves Fascism "God Bless America!"
ROBOCOP Original Trailer - 1987
Why did police have military-grade equipment in the first place?
365 Days and 605 Armored Military Vehicles Later: Police Militarization a Year After Ferguson
Military veterans see deeply flawed police response in Ferguson
Ferguson, Mo., police routinely violated blacks’ rights, federal inquiry finds
STANLEY FISH The Trouble With Tolerance NOVEMBER 10, 2006
Cardi B: I Became a Stripper to Escape Domestic Violence
William Wordsworth, THE PRELUDE
There are in our existence spots of time,
That with distinct pre-eminence retain
A renovating virtue, whence--depressed 210
By false opinion and contentious thought,
Or aught of heavier or more deadly weight,
In trivial occupations, and the round
Of ordinary intercourse--our minds
Are nourished and invisibly repaired;
A virtue, by which pleasure is enhanced,
That penetrates, enables us to mount,
When high, more high, and lifts us up when fallen.
I remember well,
That once, while yet my inexperienced hand
Could scarcely hold a bridle, with proud hopes
I mounted, and we journeyed towards the hills:
An ancient servant of my father's house
Was with me, my encourager and guide: 230
We had not travelled long, ere some mischance
Disjoined me from my comrade; and, through fear
Dismounting, down the rough and stony moor
I led my horse, and, stumbling on, at length
Came to a bottom, where in former times
A murderer had been hung in iron chains.
The gibbet-mast had mouldered down, the bones
And iron case were gone; but on the turf,
Hard by, soon after that fell deed was wrought,
Some unknown hand had carved the murderer's name. 240
The monumental letters were inscribed
In times long past; but still, from year to year
By superstition of the neighbourhood,
The grass is cleared away, and to this hour
The characters are fresh and visible:
A casual glance had shown them, and I fled,
Faltering and faint, and ignorant of the road:
Then, reascending the bare common, saw
A naked pool that lay beneath the hills,
The beacon on the summit, and, more near, 250
A girl, who bore a pitcher on her head,
And seemed with difficult steps to force her way
Against the blowing wind.
Heirich von Kleist, "On the Gradual Production of Thoughts Whilst Speaking"
The current version of this website is the binding one, if you are taking this course.
STEAM, not STEM (The "A" stands for "Arts," as in Liberal Arts.)
If Students Are Smart, They’ll Major in What They Love
Free Movies Streaming Online at UF Kanopy
Missing UF Faculty (mostly from English)
Thinking of Going to Law School?
Claudio Arrau Beethoven Piano Sonata No. 32
Mitsuko Uchida Masterclass Comparing Beethoven N.4 in G Major and Mozart’s K. 503
Satie Vexations Complete non-stop performance ( 9.41 hours ) by Nicolas Horvath
Erik Satie - Tapisserie en fer forgé
What is a "strong woman?" Who is a "strong woman?" A corporate oligarch funded by Wall Street and former prosecutor? Or a combat veteran funded by individual donors?
Check these out:
Kamala Harris Was Not a ‘Progressive Prosecutor' Lara Bazelon, NY Times, January 17 2019
Former DNC vice chair: Democratic primary was 'rigged' for Clinton
Tulsi Gabbard Calls Assange’s Arrest A Blow To Transparency And Free Press
Morning Joe Attacks Tulsi For Opposing War (Time Stamp 3:30)
Tulsi Gabbard challenges Kamala Harris record as a prosecutor | full exchange
Harris dismisses Gabbard attack: I'm a top-tier candidate, she's at 0 or 1 percent
Watch Tulsi Gabbard's interview with Anderson Cooper
Tulsi Gabbard: Kamala Harris 'didn't give any answers'
Gabbard to MSNBC Host: These Are Talking Points Kamala Harris And Her Campaign Are Feeding You
Some "strong women" = mean girls? Tulsi Gabbard Takes On Kamala | The View
Tulsi Gabbard Says Kamala Harris' Jab Was 'Pathetic' and 'Cheap Smear' | TMZ
Mueller Testimony
LP - Lost On You [Official Video]
LP - Lost On You [Official Video]
Judith Herman, Healing the Incest Wound
Rene Descartes, Part Three of Discourse on the Method
Student Co-Leaders:
When you prepare to co-lead, send the final draft of your notes to me via google docs at least twenty-hours before class begins.
Hamlet, In Our Time Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the inspiration for Shakespeare's Hamlet, the play's context and meaning, and why it has fascinated audiences from its first performance.
The Best Years Of Our Lives 1946 music and image
Philip Roth, "Writing About Jews" (DEC, 1963)
TIMOTHY SNYDER, It Can Happen Here
"The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s decision to speak out against Holocaust analogies is a moral threat" JULY 12, 2019
U.S. Banks Are Terrified of Chinese Payment Apps
To understand how I have designed and planned this course, please be sure to look at
PK Feyerabend, Against Method: Outline of an Anarchistic Theory of Knowledge (1975)
Hans-Jörg Rheinberger, "Scrips and Scribbles," MLN, Vol. 118, No. 3, German Issue (Apr., 2003), pp. 622-636.
John Law, After Method: Mess in Social Science Research Routledge, 2004
Consider everything I say as parts of the contents of a time capsule from long ago that has yet to be opened, much kess indexed and archived.
Katha Pollitt, "Roe Isn’t Going Down Without a Fight," May 2019
Commencement Speeches From Out Of Touch Celebrities 2019
Dr Van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
Judith Herman, Trauma and Recovery: The Aftermath of Violence--from Domestic Abuse to Political Terror
Academic Time circa 2000: Dr. Judith Lewis Herman, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry at Harvard ... joins UC Berkeley's Harry Kreisler
Not a very good take:
The Americanization of Popular Culture Should Terrify Us All
A very good take:
Why Netflix and Amazon Algorithms Are Destroying the Movies
Gadaj?ce g?owy/Talking Heads (1980)
SENIORS FOR STUDENTS, Richard Burt, President
Nietzsche, Friedrich. 1872 Anti-Education Harper's Magazine
Alexandre Kojeve, "Chapter 2 Summary of the First Six Chapters of the Phenomenology of Spirit" in Introduction to the Reading of Hegel
At Berkeley (dir. Frederick Wiseman, 2013)
Philosopher Ray Monk: why I went vegan
‘If we cut out meat and dairy, we would all live longer, healthier, happier lives’
Jeff Bezos’s “Montessori, Inc.” Sets Up the Ed-Tech Takeover of Pre-K
This Is What It’s Like to Be a Teacher in America (2018)
5 Minutes That Will Make You Love Classical Music
"Teach us to care and not to care"
Larry David Curb Your Enthusiasm (2017) | HBO
“Won’t You Be My Neighbor” (2018)
Look for the Helpers. --Fred Rogers
Songs which begin before they begin
The snare drum. The Letter Boxtops
John McGlaughlin in Bitches Brew
The Who - The Kids Are Alright
Former CIA Director Admits to US Foreign Meddling, Laughs About It (2018)
Hillary Clinton Says the ‘Future is Female’
Sorry to Bother You (dir. Boots Riley, 2018)
"The Future is Female Ejaculation" (It is against the law in Australia.)
This segment below is really worth watching in its entirety: One brave anti-war candidate gets through the gauntlet of four furious, total establishment enemy combatants. Gabbard is incredibly poised and strong, calling out the smearing of her and other leftists as it happens in real time, face to face. Bizarrely, it now appears that a woman from the military who actully thinks rationally about foreign interventions and regime changes would make a better than the militarized chickenhawk civilians now running the country.
US Rep. Tulsi Gabbard on MSNBC's Morning Joe -- Feb. 6, 2019
New Episode - Episode 4: New York - Tulsi TV On the Road
Theodor Adorno, " Behind the Mirror" in Minima Moralia: Reflections on a Damaged Life