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To pass this part of the course, you need to do the following:

1. Get in touch with your co-leader right after you sign up to co-lead or at least three weeks before you co-lead. I will not remain in the loop. You will have to find each other in class.

2. Email each other your notes and cc them to me.

3. Turn in your final draft 24 hours before class.

4. Get my sign off by email so you know I have approved your plan.

General Advice on Leading Class: Remember that you will lead (as in guide) discussion, not do a report or lecture. You can assume that the class has done the reading or seen the film (so there's no need to summarize the reading or film). You can both pose questions and solicit them but in a way that makes use and develops some crucial issues (rather than a townhall format where questions are posed randomly). The discussion leaders are not supposed to (have to) do all the talking. Also, remember that in preparing discussion you end up taking lots of notes and that you will have far more material to dicuss than we will actually cover in class. Teaching is like writing in this respect; you (should) always have more notes, more text than you end up keeping for your final draft. You'll all want to collaborate on notes and questions by and / or in person. I'll email everyone in each group so you can correspond by email. If you wish, I can also meet your group in my office after class at least the class before your group will lead class. We can then talk more about the materials you'll be teaching and I can make some preliminary suggestions. You can contact me anytime to meet in person or by email to talk about the readings and / or film on which you'll be leading the discussion. Please get me your notes at least 48 hours before class so I can comment on them and make suggestions. I will of course still be participating in class discussion as well.

Please print out the discussion questions after I post them and bring them with you to class. Feel free to call on students.

Please don't hesitate to ask me any questions you may have as you put your notes together. Ditto for reading out loud in class passages from a reading or showing a scene from a film.

For films, Choose your two scenes with my inpout at least three days before leading. PREPARE AT LEAST TWO KEY SCENES or sequences with an eye to the readings in this way--see part two of the film clip exercise (shot by shot analysis--kind of shot, length of shot, lighting, focus, mis-en-scene, sound, and so on). Decide among yourselves in consulatation with me which scenes you will all do. Each person in yor group should lead discussion of one sequence. YOU'LL WANT TO DISCUSS THESE SCENES IN SOME DETAIL in class. CLOSE READING OF THE FILM'S FORM IS WHAT PAYS OFF. You should show THESE SCENES or sequences IN CLASS BEFORE and then we will DISCUSS THEM. Please keep these scenes or sequences to a maximum of three minutes and know exactly where they begin and end. Decide in advance which of you will lead what part of the discussion (think of your notes as a kind of script as well).

Take detailed notes on the entire film. I write down my notes on a paper with a pen and pause the DVD when I write. I sometimes watch a scene over and write more notes. Your notes are not simply descriptions of what happens in the film. That amounts to a kind of plot sementation or summary. That is not what you want to do. Notes are instead analytical observtions about the film, the kind of observations that come with your discussion questions. So your notes should be designed with an eye to making points that open up discussion (based on formal elements of the film, not just the plot). Obviously, you can't wait to watch the film until the class screening and then prepare your notes since that won't leave you enough time. Please focus your questions on the film. Information about the background of the director, the production of the film, or the author will not be terribly helpful since the class has only seen the film. Please stick to discussing the film itself.

This is what your correspndence should look like. Each student should send his or her notes to the other co-leader or co-leaders as well as to me. It's not fair to your your co-leaders not to be in touch and not to send your notes, etting him or her do all the work.


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